Force Unit Converter

Convert between different mass units like meter, inches, feet...etc

Mass conversion table

1 N = 99999.99999999999 dyn1 newtons equals 99999.99999999999 dynes1 * 99999.99999999999 = X dyn
1 N = 0.10197162129779283 kgf1 newtons equals 0.10197162129779283 kilograms force1 * 0.10197162129779283 = X kgf
1 N = 0.001 kN1 newtons equals 0.001 kilonewtons1 * 0.001 = X kN
1 N = 0.00022480892365533915 kip1 newtons equals 0.00022480892365533915 kips1 * 0.00022480892365533915 = X kip
1 N = 0.000001 MN1 newtons equals 0.000001 meganewtons1 * 0.000001 = X MN
1 N = 0.2248089430997105 lbf1 newtons equals 0.2248089430997105 pounds force1 * 0.2248089430997105 = X lbf
1 N = 7.233011464323171 pdl1 newtons equals 7.233011464323171 poundals1 * 7.233011464323171 = X pdl
1 N = 0.001 sn1 newtons equals 0.001 sthène1 * 0.001 = X sn
1 N = 0.00010197162129779283 tf1 newtons equals 0.00010197162129779283 tonnes force1 * 0.00010197162129779283 = X tf
1 N = 0.00010036113531237075 tonsUKf1 newtons equals 0.00010036113531237075 tons force (UK)1 * 0.00010036113531237075 = X tonsUKf
1 N = 0.00011240447154985525 tonsUSf1 newtons equals 0.00011240447154985525 tons force (US)1 * 0.00011240447154985525 = X tonsUSf

How to use the Force Converter Tool:

Simply input your value on the textbox on the left. Select the input unit in which your value is.

After that you will instantly see the value converted to the multiple units available

You can use the filter textbox in order to search for a particular destination unit.

Each conversion square has a copy button that copies the converted value to the clipboard.

Force conversion table: On this table you can see the conversion factors between the base unit, in this case newtons (N) into the multiple destination units. Force multiplication table: On this table you can see the multiplication factor to convert from and to any of the available units. Just search for your input unit on the left side and search for the destination unit on the top, find the intersection which is the multiplication factor. Multiply this factor by your input value and you have the final value on the destination unit.

Mass multiplication table

multiplication factordyneskilograms forcekilonewtonskipsmeganewtonsnewtonspounds forcepoundalssthènetonnes forcetons force (UK)tons force (US)
dynes (dyn)10.00000101970.000000010.00000000224810.000000000010.000010.00000224810.000072330.000000010.00000000101970.00000000100360.000000001124
kilograms force (kgf)980,66010.00980670.00220460.00000980669.80672.204670.9320.00980670.0010.000984210.0011023
kilonewtons (kN)100,000,000101.9710.224810.0011,000224.817,23310.101970.100360.1124
kips (kip)444,820,000453.594.448210.00444824,448.21,00032,1744.44820.453590.446430.5
meganewtons (MN)100,000,000,000101,9701,000224.8111,000,000224,8107,233,0001,000101.97100.36112.4
newtons (N)100,0000.101970.0010.000224810.00000110.224817.2330.0010.000101970.000100360.0001124
pounds force (lbf)444,8200.453590.00444820.0010.00000444824.4482132.1740.00444820.000453590.000446430.0005
poundals (pdl)13,8250.0140980.000138260.0000310810.000000138260.138260.03108110.000138260.0000140980.0000138750.00001554
sthène (sn)100,000,000101.9710.224810.0011,000224.817,23310.101970.100360.1124
tonnes force (tf)980,660,0001,0009.80672.20460.00980679,806.72,204.670,9329.806710.984211.1023
tons force (UK) (tonsUKf)996,400,0001,0169.9642.240.0099649,9642,24072,0709.9641.01611.12
tons force (US) (tonsUSf)889,640,000907.188.896420.00889648,896.42,00064,3488.89640.907180.892861